Rules of Conduct

1. Respect the gamers Game - This means that do not disrupt, interrupt and/or commandeer another persons game, game save, or current game.  In other words, wait till the owner comes back to see if you can play.

2. Lose like a gamer and not a little bitch - You got beat.  It's a game.  Move on.

3. Don't judge the gamers choices - Campers will camp, handguns can work, a female elf has it's privileges.

4. Respect Online Etiquette - no solicitation of sex, pimping of friends, or using other gamers as bait.  Xbox Live is not eHarmony.

5. The Blind Date - If your looking for an achievement, let me know ahead of time so we can so we can work out the money arrangement for your achievement whoring.

6. Tea-bagging - While funny, this should only be reserved for ownage. Not fragging someone after they've been in a firefight.

7. Play Straight up - glitches are for bitches, mods are for frauds, riding corners, nube tubes, "scoreboard" cars


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